台灣茶藝文化 Taiwan Tea Arts Culture

茶道概括而言是茶的文化, 茶道也包含花藝, 但與插花的花藝不同. 茶道的花藝是要配合茶席,茶具.不是單獨被欣賞,這是和花道不同之處!
茶藝包含花藝,陶藝和喝茶的文化,品茶時品茶人注重的是品茗四藝; 點香,插花, 書畫,點茶.再搭配音樂.
台灣從1869年開始外銷茶葉至今,深得國際人士對Formosa Tea的喜愛與認同! 台灣生產的半發酵烏龍茶,己得到國際公認品質上等好茶的美譽.
General speaking, tea ceremony is the culture of tea, tea ceremony also including flower arts, but it is different from flower arrangement’s flower arts. Tea ceremony’s flower arts must be matching with tea table, tea sets, not only to be appreciated alone. This is the difference between tea arts and flower arts!
Tea arts included flower arts, pottery arts and tea drinking culture, during tea drinking, the person who appreciating tea always cared about so called four arts of tea appreciation: light joss stick, arrange flowers, display calligraphy or paintings, providing snacks and playing music at the same time!
From the beginning of tea table setting, playing music until the choice of tea pot and tea leaf, every step must be fastidious harmony, to have harmonic matching then good taste tea can be brewing out in an atmosphere of total wholeness.
Tea is an important layer of Chinese traditional culture, in religion tea use to worship gods, in traditional wedding ceremony offer tea to the guests is an unavoidable courtesy. In our daily life tea loving people to meet friends with tea, to learn each other by practicing tea arts, people living in Taiwan making tea also presenting a kind of social spiritual cultivation with esthetics personality.
The area of tea plantations in Taiwan is about 20,000 acres, the workmanship of tea manufacture and the process of fermentation is an important key of tea quality. This is the specialty of Taiwan light fermented Oolong tea.
Taiwan tea export as early as 1869, so far Taiwan tea has been acknowledged and loved by international tea loving people. Taiwan semi-fermented Oolong Tea has been internationally recognized as the super quality good tea.